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Kuala Lumpur

The KL office had its first social event after lockdown, and it was one of the most anticipated gatherings we have ever had. We all went to Roofino Skydining with captivating views of the Kuala Lumpur city centre skyline. We got to mingle and welcome the new recruits and enhance team engagement.


The Cyprus Office Social Committee takes its job very seriously and makes sure the entire office has some moments of fun.

In July we had a Rewards Week which included a team building day at Escape the Room and an afternoon of board games and bingo (obviously with food and drinks).

In September we arranged a summit style 1-on-1 meeting session we called ME Speed Networking over coffee and breakfast.

In October, we had an UNO competition for charity where a third of the office took part, and a Halloween themed bake-off. More than 500 Euro was raised for the charity we had selected for the year, SPAVO – The Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family.


The London office teambuilding day in September welcomed many new faces to the team. Kicking off with some training workshops around key topics aligned to the business and our roles, the group were then split into teams for a Dragons Den activity where each group came up with a financial services product to pitch to our ‘dragons’ to win a team lunch - congratulations to Adam’s team who won! After lunch, everyone headed to an escape room where teams raced to get out of 4 different escape rooms before the escapees ended the day at the pub to celebrate our wins… some didn’t make it out!

The New Office in Tokyo

marcus evans has moved to a new office in Tokyo! It's a great pleasure to announce that since September 1, we have moved to a FANTASTIC new office in the middle of Tokyo, in the Nihombashi Ningyocho district.

We are TOKYO😁


Daisuke Yukishita

General Manager Tokyo

Deepavali High-tea

Deepavali is one of the largest and most colourful festivals celebrated by Hindus all over the world. We always look for opportunities to share joy and spread cheer among employees here in KL. Marcus Evans KL hosted an intimate Deepavali High-tea for all employees. Staff members were treated with various Indian snacks, Deepavali cookies, a personalised Panipuri-wala dishing out panipuris and not forgetting the world famous Murukkus. As with tradition, all employees dressed up for the day in traditional attire, and the office was filled with joyful vibe.

Montreal / Laval

The Montreal/Laval Offices (Curation, SP Summits and DA) held a teambuilding exercise (August 2022 in Downtown Montreal) where we discussed the traits of a successful team and creating a positive and thriving culture.


Geoffrey Reid

CEO Summits | Montreal & Laval

Christmas & New Year

All our offices are planning a party to celebrate Christmas or the New Year. We are looking forward to spending some well-deserved fun and quality time with our colleagues in person 😊 Stay tuned for announcements.

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