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People & Talent

The People and Talent team is excited to welcome its newest Global team member onboard - Zakiyah Haynes.


After competing her Master of Human Resources at the Rome Business School in Italy, Zakiyah made the long flight home to become the first ever member of the Talent team who is based in Barbados this past December. We are thrilled to have her on the team and know she will accomplish great things at marcus evans.


Louisa Boucher

Senior Talent Acquisition Manager NA | Montreal

Online Events

The webinar team had a successful Q1 by delivering almost 30 online events, with an average of over 200 registrants each. This led to rebookings of an additional 8+ online events, which are already scheduled and will be delivered in the coming months. Compared to last year, our Q2 schedule is already 30 percent fuller, which is a great achievement of our sales teams worldwide, as well as excellent execution by the webinar division. We are looking forward to achieving our set goals and having an even better year.


Svetlana Pantechis

Head of Online Events | Cyprus

Greenwich Summits Team

December was The Private Wealth Management Summit and all hands were on board to make it one of the best Summits of the year. It takes a village could not be more personified with the collaboration between DA, SP, Ops, Production and Marketing. It really is a testament to how far the brand has come. It ended up being one of the biggest rebooking Summits for the year with countless happy clients based on the quality of the product we deliver.


Congrats to all involved and looking forward to replicating its success in March in San Diego.


Stephen Bruce

Sales Director | Greenwich

Canada Summits Team

If there’s anything being on the sales floor teaches you, it’s that creativity and quick thinking are a crucial part of selling! For our final teambuilding event of 2023, the Montreal, West Island and Laval offices reunited for an improv class to tap into those skills. Amidst a lot of laughter and some wonderful performances, our team learned a lot about taking a risk and putting yourself out there!


Veronica D’Orsa

Office Admin | Montreal

From Berlin to Tokyo

At the marcus evans HR Summit in Japan, I got to swap Germany’s cold winter weather for a warm welcome from the Tokyo team. This trip gave me training opportunities and the chance to learn more about Japanese business practices. For example, I learned that CRM is a very important feature to get closer to our clients and for them to feel they are in good hands.


This made me think about how we could incorporate these practices into our German events. I’m very grateful for the team’s kindness and I was impressed by their strong work ethic, team spirit and curtesy.


Thank you to marcus evans for giving me this opportunity, which showed me how similarities can exist across cultures.


Marwa Mahfoud

Senior Executive Consultant, International Council of Energy & Environment | Berlin


We invited Gentaro Tachibana who is a Marketing Director at MARK STYLER Co. Ltd to come to our main office to speak at a workshop on marketing strategy. 


Miwa Yamanouchi

Receptionist | Tokyo

From Cape Town to Kuala Lumpur

Shaakierah Philander, Senior Sales Manager for Cape Town LSE, spent six weeks in the KL office. Here is what she had to say about her time working abroad:
The KL office has to be my favourite office. Even though I am from the Cape Town office, the welcome you receive when entering is unmatched. I am engulfed in the warmth of the people, the energy on the sales floor, early morning strategy meetings and all-day pitching, bell ringing, the diverse culture and so much more.
marcus evans group is really all about the people. As Derek Conway, CEO Asia Pacific, once said, we are a people organisation – everything we achieve is through the efforts of people – our people – you and me.
I left inspired, full and ready to take on 2024 with improved ways to excel our sales processes back home and ensure we deliver excellent results for our campaigns to come!

Bringing the WOW factor to our Summit Onsite Experience!

We are thrilled to announce that we have hired a Technical Director of Event Production whose role will be to oversee huge improvements in our attendee experience onsite. Our aim is to WOW our audience with fantastic upgrades to our staging, lighting, audio-visual and signage kits. We are determined to maintain our status as the gold standard for corporate events and delivering significant enhancements to our overall event experience is a key part of that ongoing objective.  


Yanni Stavrinou joined our team in late January, and he brings with him a wealth of experience in all these areas. We are in the planning stages at the moment, but we are hopeful you will start to experience a significantly enhanced ‘look and feel’ by our May summits. He will start to engage with many of the senior leadership in the coming weeks and your input will be highly valuable in making sure we execute a world class plan as soon as possible.


Please welcome Yanni to our team!

John Farry

CEO Summits | Cyprus

marcus evans at the Cyprus Job Fair

On November 30 and December 1, we participated in the 2nd Cyprus Job Fair located in Nicosia. The team had the opportunity to introduce the company to everyone who came to meet us at our booth, discuss potential openings within the organisation and increase our branding awareness. We also had the chance to meet the Minister of Labour Yiannis Panayiotou who visited our booth, and was very impressed by us and the scope of the company. A special thank you to everyone who attended the job fair and for their support.
Katerina Kontou
Group Recruiting Support Manager and EMEA Talent Acquisition Manager | Cyprus

marcus evans at the UK Career Fair

The team at marcus evans joined the UK Career Fair for a second year, to present all of our career opportunities. The event took place at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.
Lavinia Enea
Group Director of People & Talent Development | London
Adam Khan
Assistant Manager, UK Conferences and Forums Sponsor Sales | London
Ellie Brooks
Conferences Production Director | London

Linguarama London

We are thrilled to announce the opening of our new client break room, a dedicated space designed to support Linguarama London clients focus and provide a tranquil retreat from the bustling office environment. This oasis is tailored for our clients who need a moment to recharge, with comfortable seating and a peaceful atmosphere that encourages relaxation and concentration.


Jack Barry

Client Account Manager | London

Mindfulness in Turin

Our Senior Trainer at Linguarama Turin, Lara Statham, is also a qualified and experienced Mindfulness Coach. Lara offered to run a series of Mindfulness sessions for our core staff which began in December last year. Interest was huge and the sessions filled up quickly. This is how the sessions were advertised on our Staff Portal:
Mindfulness is a special state of being fully awake to each present moment so you are able to experience life as you are living it rather than thinking too much about the past and/the future.
The benefits are life changing: from reducing stress levels, managing your emotions and reducing anxiety and pain to managing all life’s ups and downs more easily. It’s about getting in touch with who you really are and achieving peace of mind. If you’d like to experience some of this, why not sign up?
The session is open to all core staff. In the workshop, we will explore what Mindfulness is, practise meditation together and share ideas through feedback, questions and resources.
This is some of the feedback from the initial sessions:
"You’ll certainly see me in future session. Thank you Lara."
"Was a great experience and I’ll be there in the next session."
"It was very nice and enjoyable, I definitely feel calmer and more focused, which, on a Friday pm, is not always an easy task 😊"
"Thanks for this great experience Lara. Have a nice weekend and see you soon!"
"Mindfulness can improve well-being and resilience. It can positively impact productivity and team relationships. It is great to have the expertise in our team and to be able to offer the training. A big thank you to Lara."
Laura Scott
Manager UK and Group Functions | Düsseldorf

London Summits Team Building 2023

The London Summits Team hosted their annual team building excursion for 2023 with two days away in the quaint city of Norwich, in Norfolk, at the end of November. The two-day trip included activities, the first evening consisting of an Escape Room, Dinner at The Ivy & drinks, followed by a day reviewing and collaborating on the Mission, Vision and Standards that set the London Summits Team apart.
Andrew Mowat
Regional Director, UK Summits | London

Professional Training

Operating from four different countries (German, Spain, South Africa and USA), speaking four different languages (German, French, Spanish and English); distance does not stop this team from collaborating on a weekly basis.


Professional Training did not let the holidays slow them down; we confirmed 20 events over 11 weeks, in addition to two in-house trainings the week before Christmas. We had several new breakout events including Chat GPT we rolled out three times in three months, as well as Storytelling.


Our success heavily leans on our Marketers and Producers, however, we have to give a BIG shout-out to our Research Team in Cape Town who have been greatly contributing to new revenue growth!!


Before our Q1 review, everyone submitted their baby pictures and we had to guess who they were.

Emily Jones

Director of Professional Training | Chicago

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