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A message from Marcus Evans

40 years and still going strong!


Yes, it is our birthday! And I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on the incredible journey we have travelled, over what has been both a fantastic and eventful 40 years. Over four decades we have delivered more than 30,000 B2B events… an incredible stat. That is more than 500,000 world class speakers, delivering more than a million hours of business insights for our customers with hundreds of thousands of execs entertained at our hospitality events and educated at our training centres. Within our Summits business, we have facilitated close to one million one-to-one meetings, allowing our customers to grow and strengthen their businesses. Along the way we have innovated and delivered new products and services, acquired and sold businesses whilst fully embracing our core value proposition, in enabling our clients to improve their business processes and client relationships. We have always embraced change to generate value and to propel ourselves forward regardless of market conditions.


We remain today as relevant to the business world as we have throughout our history and as vital to our customers’ business needs as any technology or other business enhancement solution.


None of this would have been possible without the thousands of talented people who have been our colleagues over the years, many having been with me for a large part of the journey.


We have inspired many competitors, but none have replicated our success.


Resilience, innovation and skill have been the beating heart of our business, and let’s face it, you don’t get to 40 without taking a few punches and wearing a few scars. We have been through global financial crises (yes, more than one), witnessed sectors go through boom and bust, seen the opening and closing of different territories and all of this with a dash of a pandemic thrown into the mix as well. Through it all it has been the strength, energy and determination of our talented team that has allowed us to sustain our success, something I am both grateful and immensely proud of and continue to be inspired by as I witness it day to day across the business.


As with any birthday, one tends to not only reflect but also look forward and I am as motivated today as I was when I started the company, as I entered my twenties. Motivated by the products and services we can develop and evolve, by the opportunities we can create for our clients as well as for our staff with all of our key global markets presenting incredible opportunities for growth in the years ahead. I am keen to continue to bring about change in our business, never more so than now, through the implementation of technologies as well as people and talent management strategies which have been front of mind for me ever more so since the pandemic. I expect many of these to come to fruition in this anniversary year.


In the coming months, we will be releasing changes to our website to celebrate our 40 years, so look out for those updates, which leverage our unrivalled pedigree and history and seek to reassure and inspire that next prospect and bring the next deal over the line.


I look forward to a great 2023 and beyond!


Marcus Evans

Chairman | London

Toronto SP Sales Summits

Summits closed on a brilliant 1st quarter with everyone scoring deals.  

Stephanie Ambeault (Manager- Summits) was awarded the MVP (most valuable player) during the marcus evans Christmas party in early December.

Tawfiq Karadsheh (Account Executive, DA - Summits Toronto) was awarded “The best new hire” in the Toronto DA team. 


Khalif Samuels

GM | Toronto

Toronto DA Sales Conferences

The Toronto DA sales team grew in the quarter adding a number of new members to the team. Whilst it’s still early days in the development of this team, we have a group who have shown a strong desire to learn, continually improve, overcome challenges, maintain a positive attitude and a great team spirit.


Adnan Quazi

CEO USA & EMEA Conferences | London

Montreal DA Sales Summits

As the Montreal DA team continues to grow, the next generation of leadership in DA being trained with Operation Senior Status is in full swing! Expect to see one to two promotions to Senior Account Executive a quarter! The team is also finding success through multiple training programmes - from advance tape training and role plays with Theron Burraway, Global CEO, to questioning techniques and objection handling with Geoff Reid, Regional CEO Canada and UK. The trainings have paid off, with last quarter seeing the highest number of CNAs in a three-month period. Lest you think it’s all work and no play, the Montreal team found a cozy and sweet escape from the winter blues with an eggnog party! For multiple team members this was their first time tasting eggnog (awaiting their reviews).


Raquel Henry

Director of DA Montreal

Montreal SP Sales Summits

Mariah Carey is virtually synonymous with Christmas — her holiday hit, “All I Want For Christmas,” has been a seasonal staple since 1994 and a reliable chart-topper in recent years. Despite her greatest efforts to remain synonymous with the month of December, critics now say that she is facing steep competition from marcus evans Montreal. The company in question has made a strong push to claim the month of December as their own, after posting numbers that trump Mariah’s, seemingly making her irrelevant. Combining those efforts with previous months, Montreal finished the quarter ending 2022 the same way Duran Duran did performing at Times Square… on a high note.


Draga Sfetsios

Director of Sales Montreal

New offices in West Island & Laval

The third office in the Greater Montreal region is set to open in the coming months. Kevin Stern, Global Director of Sales, heads a team of seven.


Draga Sfetsios, Director of Sales, has led the healm in Laval for the past three years. In the coming month, Draga and his team of five will be moving to a beautiful new office building beside one of the premiere malls in Montreal - an incredible location for an incredible team.


Louisa Boucher

Senior TAM North AmericaMontreal

North American Conferences

US Conferences has seen some growth and continued integration with our teams in Barbados, Chicago, Miami, Toronto as well as with our European and GFMI counterparts over the last couple of months.


We are very much looking forward to seeing what 2023 will bring.


Nick Comerford

Senior Director | NA Chicago

Miami team building

The Miami office started 2023 with a team bonding activity of creating individual ‘vision boards’ to help the team stay motivated and inspired by their own dreams and aspirations throughout a year.


Agne Zukauskaite

Sales Director | Miami


Miami office updates

Having surpassed expectations during a very difficult couple of years, the Miami sponsorship group under Agne Zukauskaite grew in Q1 with new staff and products. Our goal is to develop a Centre of Sponsorship Excellence with the team continuing to focus on the GFMI product where new business, client outcomes and repeat levels have all been outstanding, and now the plan is to introduce those best practices to other sectors. The team launched forums in Q1 and we expect this to be a huge area of expansion for the group in the coming months.


Adnan Quazi

CEO USA & EMEA ConferencesLondon

Chicago marketing

We successfully moved to in-person Conferences in 2022 and look forward to growth and success for the year with stability with the support of our strong production team in Barbados and Chicago.


Emily Jones

Director North & Latin America Professional Training Chicago

Professional training

The global team (Chicago, Madrid, Cape Town) is definitely making waves! The teams are working on events globally, and for the first time in a long time, the professional training division has a solid base and is setting high goals for this new calendar year!! 


Emily Jones

Director North & Latin America Professional Training | Chicago

New York

The New York office has been keeping very busy during the winter months. Lots of work across our portfolio of Fall Summits with new systems and processes in place to create optimal efficiencies and standout personal sales performances from key members of the team on both new and repeat business. This has been complimented by growth across the team as all of the Managers take on new team members to add to our core group and develop new sales talent.


Natasha Hyatt-Khan

Sales Director | New York


Team Greenwich had a visit from Doug Lampinen and Kevin Stern in November. The managers shared their journeys at The Family Office Group and spoke with the team about how they continue to achieve growth and success at the company.


The team got a glimpse of their new office, which they will be moving into in February, and celebrated with a team happy hour.


The holiday lunch was celebrated at Greenwich staple, Mediterraneo. Secret Santa gifts were exchanged and delicious bites and cocktails were enjoyed.


The team is having a strong start to the new year and is looking forward to a very productive 2023 and the launching of the Institutional brand. With EPI having so much success throughout Europe over the past two decades, this launch will open up an immense amount of new opportunities for the team and clients alike! 


Stephen Bruce

Sales Director | Greenwich

New office in Grand Rapids

Happy New Year everyone! After 15 years in the San Diego Office, it was time to return home where we’ve successfully opened a new office in Grand Rapids Michigan with the goal of four new hires by March/April and in just short of two weeks of being opened, we are on board with two deals!


Doug Lampinen

Senior Global Director | Grand Rapids

San Diego

Despite having just spun off and having opened a new Grand Rapids office upon Doug’s relocation, the San Diego office is as committed as ever to continue its 20+ year run as one of the most profitable offices in the world. We have brought on six new hires in the past few months, doubling our size to 12 people, with at least two more being onboard in February. We continue to use creative approaches to our success building, utilising and testing new methods in lead research, appointment setting, cold calling, etc while maintaining an extremely high level of rebooking success as a results of the increased value our clients are getting from our Summits.


Marc Rosenberg

COO West Coast | San Diego


Over the last quarter the Summit production and operation teams in Barbados managed 24 summits across the North American Summits portfolio.


We had some exceptional keynotes which included an inspirational address and opportunity to meet the legend ‘Earvin Magic Johnson’ at our Sept PWM Summit and our CFO/CPO/Tax Summits in November.


We also had a dynamic keynote address delivered by Ian Bremmer - Political Risk Expert at the December PWM Summit in Florida.


Across our Healthcare series we had insights from Senator Bill Frist, Authority on Healthcare Policy; 18th Majority Leader for the US Senate (2003-2007) and Heart-Lung Transplant Surgeon, Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H., New York Times Bestselling Author of The Price We Pay, Johns Hopkins Surgeon and Health Policy Expert, Wall Street Journal Contributor and Dr. Jerome Adams, 20th Surgeon General, United States of America.


We now have two permanent Business Development Associates in Barbados who have contributed 11 deals for the quarter working alongside our Summit SP sales teams.


Naomi Haynes

NA Production Director | Barbados

Korean Summit launch

Further to our incredible growth in Japan, we are excited to announce the launch of our Korean Summits business and the opening of our new Seoul office in March under the leadership of Bulent, Daisuke and Joohyun Park. We have also recently added Celine Oh in production, Ju Hyun (Judy) Yeo in event management, Dongmin Kim in SP sales and Sungah Jang in DA sales. Welcome to the team! We will launch our first Summit – ‘CIO Korea’, in July 2023. Onwards and upwards for Summits in the APAC region!


Bulent Halil

CEO Japan & Germany | London

Sydney makeover

The Sydney team is closing many new deals and rebookings. We are recruiting more people and the office is definitely growing.


The Sydney office decided to do a makeover last year. We put together different varieties of plants to make the office more eco-friendly. Thank you everyone for your everyday contribution. Of course, as you can see in the pictures, most of the plants are happy and healthy. Most importantly, this “green up” makeover gives good vibes and a fresh feeling for everyone entering our office.


Alex Tju

Senior Sales Manager | Sydney

Kuala Lumpur

In Kuala Lumpur, we decided to ‘green up’ our office. Rather than engage with an expensive external plant hire business, each department was provided with a budget they could use at their discretion. We found this encouraged discussion and agreement in the various divisions with some opting for larger plant displays, others for desk-based plants. There is a real sense of ownership and caring for the plants that are looked after by staff. 


It’s been an exciting start to the year in KL. No sooner were we back in January taking the Christmas decorations down then we were hanging up the Chinese New Year decorations. And prepping for our Annual Dinner which was a huge success!


Since November until now we’ve welcomed wonderful new colleagues across all divisions and there’s a real buzz of excitement and anticipation for 2023. Our event numbers in sponsorship and delegate sales are much higher than even pre-pandemic and it’s great to see the happy smiles of achievement and success across the office.


Derek Conway

CEO | Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur & Cape Town research

Since October 2021, the KL & CT marketing research team has grown from 30 to now close to 60 marketing researchers and this is a direct reflection of the excellent performance that we have achieved from everyone, and it would not have been possible without support from our key leaders in the team. More than just researching and improving our data, I am extremely proud that the group now supports a broader number of key business functions to drive revenue.


It has been exciting to see the growth of the office as a whole with members of the research team transferring into other roles within the group as we add to the office.


At the end-of-year party across both locations we celebrated our researchers of the year.


Azlee Shah Bin Mustaffa

Director Marketing Research | Kuala Lumpur

Karachi team building

Our “Box Cricket” team building activity. It was about challenging the opponent on certain scores and then defending the challenge. It was fun along with team building.


Arman Sohail

Job Sales Director | Islamabad

New office in Tenerife

marcus evans is growing in Tenerife and waiting for you!


Fabio Mederos

Sales Executive | Tenerife


Joao Catarino

Sales Manager | Tenerife

London Conferences updates


Ken Gan’s US delegate sales team continues to perform consistently well with delegate numbers on Q1 events surpassing pre–pandemic levels. The team will grow further in 2023 and we will be looking to launch a new location to facilitate further expansion of his team.



The London Sponsorship team under Adam Khan launched the Forums product line this year and will be running their first event in January with a second product coming in the summer. Rebook levels from Adam on conferences sponsorship have been impressive and it’s great to see more and more clients booking multiple events.



The Summit business for the pharma industry further expanded in London last year with the launch of new team led by Marina Alieva within Ritesh Keshvala’s structure and under the tutelage of Bulent Halil. The plan is to develop a team to focus on European market sales as well as spearhead the launch of new titles in the coming years. Marina attended her first Summit, Evolution, since she moved back to Summits after a 10-year hiatus, generating massive rebook revenues including bring on board a new Global Open Contract client. Anna Zoll’s contribution in securing those rebooks should not be underestimated as she once again delivered an impressive delegate. In 2023 the team will grow as we add more staff and products.



The production team grew massively in 2022, growing from a team of three to 11 by the end of the year. It’s exciting to see so much emerging talent in the team which bodes well for the future as we look to expand in the coming year.


Adnan Quazi

CEO USA & EMEA Conferences | London

Digital & software development updates

Shraddha Shetty joined us in January as the Head of Digital Innovation and Digital Business Strategy, a new division where she will also be responsible for software development. She will be reporting directly to Marcus Evans, our Chairman.


Lavinia Enea

Group Director of People & Talent Development | London


The scaling of the UK Summits business is in motion whereby the Essex office has been established to support the growth of the Corporate Legal Advisors Group and our corporate legal, intellectual property and legal technology programmes. Located in Brentwood, the office is in one of the most desirable parts of Essex and just three minutes from Brentwood Railway Station. The team of three is continuing to expand under the guidance of Andrew Mowat.


Andrew Mowat

Director of Sales | Brentwood & London

London SP

The Central London Summits SP sales team locked down another great quarter and are keeping the momentum going. Four of the team were represented at our US Legals Summit in early December which was a super high quality event, whilst Alex led the line at Private Wealth Management at the Eau Hotel in Palm Beach.

The team are enjoying to collaborate more and more with Oliver in the Greenwich CT office on Client Service Management support.


Andrew Mowat

Director of Sales | Brentwood & London

Summit team building in London

We were tasked herein with which team could build the tallest tower using only newspaper and tape in just ten minutes – Alex, Mustafa & Katie won, limited more by the ceiling than the structural integrity of their tower. The afternoon and evening’s activities were a great reminder that a good team is greater than the sum of their individual parts and made of more than just people who work in the same place, but of people who work together – it was thoroughly enjoyed by all!


Katie Sorrell

Due Diligence Associate | London

Multi-cultural incentive trips

We have been organising multi-cultural incentive trips from the Tokyo to London office to boost professional and personal development. A welcome package is provided, which includes London must-have items :) New trips have already being planned for February!


Lavinia Enea

Group Director of People & Talent Development | London


A very strong end to the quarter and another strong start on everyone’s return.

Summits in Barcelona had a record quarter with massive deals signed by the majority of the team and talking about team there is some excellent teamwork and support going on all round.

Supporting this group locally and worldwide are the DA team whose core remains the same with some bright new reps recruited and performing strongly.


Conferences and sponsorship had some record numbers in Barcelona, Madrid, Manchester, Tenerife, Kerala and Mumbai and with ongoing recruitment all round, the divisions are growing and diversifying. Mexico is back into the mix so we look forward to seeing that division and office growing again.


The sponsorship team in KL has as usual been at consistent figures with some strong recruitment numbers added to that.


Forums in India has maintained consistent growth and with new products in the portfolio, we look forward to seeing the division grow.


Curations has now been launched and we are positive that some nice deals will soon be seen on the sales board.


Sean Mifsud

CEO | Latin America / EMEA

Team building in Prague

A bowling session for the Prague office team, followed with a friendly dinner in one of the local Czech restaurants. 


Claire Ceccon

Head of Conferences – French & EMEA divisions | Prague

Ops team updates

2022 was a very good year for the global Operations Team based in Nicosia, Limassol, Kuala Lumpur, Barbados and Chicago. We returned to in-person Summits and ran every single Summit live. We have almost 100 Summits planned for 2023!


We are rapidly expanding into new countries and we are very pleased to announce the launch of our German ICEE (International Council of Energy and Environment) Summits and our Korean Summits.   


The team has expanded significantly with Ildi Toth, who joins the Nicosia team as an Event Manager, ICEE Summits; Judy Yeo, who joins the team in Kuala Lumpur as an Event Manager, Korean Summits; Areti Christodoulou returns to the Ops Team as Head of Client Information Management - Global Summits; From the Limassol office, we welcome Celeste Milosevic as an Event Coordinator and Iris Christodoulou as an Event Manager for North American Summits. 


We have had several important promotions in the team globally, but I want to make a special mention for Maria Zografou on her recent promotion to General Manager – North America Summit Operations. So well deserved!!


Judith Verger

COO - Global Summits | Cyprus

The DRM department

The Delegate Relationships Management department is the newest addition to the Nicosia, Cyprus office. Launched in May 2022, the aim of the department is to offer Summit delegates a concierge, 5-star service from the moment they are confirmed to attend up until the date of the Summit. Our aim is to build strong and lasting relationships with our delegates, resolve some of the issues they have with our pre-event communication strategy, minimise the likelihood of a delegate cancellation; and effectively manage any post-event complaints delegates currently have.


The team currently consists of five team members, each covering one industry.


Mina Chrysanthou

Head of DRM | Cyprus

The CSM department

This recently opened department will be critical in the years ahead to support our goals of using best practice monitoring and a continual development process to affect the highest standards of client account management for both our and our clients’ benefit (USA, Europe, Canada, Australia). The stronger the relationship, the more we can exploit revenue opportunities and if there is an issue it’s easier to overcome them with parties that have mutual respect and trust.


Claire Garnett

CSM Manager | Greenwich

Summits Marketing

FY2023 has started with a bang for Summits marketing with strong returns in DA and SP, so congrats to everyone! We are focused on improving our performance and our New Year’s resolution was to increase our marketing lead conversion rates across the business with a specific focus on SP. We established a new team in BB to support lead management in both marketing and sales, and have already seen significant returns. We will be growing this team in 2023 under Marlene Hinds in BB. Many thanks to SP sales for their support and contribution to this initiative.


Another goal was to enhance our Social Media reach and leveraging the content we develop. Leyana Daccache has been spearheading this from within the media team and has recently made our first hire for this new division, Konstantia Melekki. We are already seeing a lot of engagement and referrals.


We are very encouraged by the overall collaboration across sales and marketing. We have seen the best quarter for over two years for DA marketing. Outstanding work across the Cyprus, Cape Town and Kuala Lumpur offices.


Sabah Khennouf

GM – Global Summits Marketing | Cyprus


2022 was a huge year for the growth of and we anticipate the same in 2023.’s main objective is to provide our active service providers with more business opportunities and connect them directly with our global network of C-level executives, throughout the year, not only when they attend an event.


Our current marketplaces include Investments, Legal and Clinical Trials. This month, Healthcare, Manufacturing and Packaging are being launched, and soon we will expand to cover PharmaMarketing and Medical Affairs service providers as part of our overall Life Sciences marketplace.


The Investments Marketplace, our most established marketplace, includes over 230 RFPs from investors and family offices with total AUM of USD 163.5 billion and total allocations of over USD 9.3 billion across all asset classes. 


Adriana Bantu

ProcureSecure Director | Cyprus

Re-launch of German Summits

Recently we re-launched our German Summits with great success. Under the International Council of Energy & Environment umbrella of events, the first German Energy & Environment Summit was held in November in the heart of Berlin at Hotel Adlon Kempinski. Under the slogan SUSTAINABILITY IS THE NEW PROFITABILITY, the event brought together top executives in the fields of sustainability, energy, and environmental affairs with leading solution and service providers in the sector. The triumphant re-launch has now led to three more Energy & Environment Summits planned for Germany and Europe in 2023.


The Berlin Summit team is made up of: Richard Yates – General Manager, Jan-Hendrik Timmermann – Director, Katerina Downing – Executive Consultant and Marwa Mahfoud – Executive Consultant.


Sylvia Michael

GM Production EMEA & APAC | Cyprus


Jan-Hendrik Timmermann

Director | Berlin


Linguarama is expanding across in Europe and APAC, specifically in KL and Cape Town.


Thanks to everyone at marcus evans London and beyond for making our English in England Programme a success! Linguarama London welcomes guests from all over the world. As you know, we deliver language and culture training. When guests come to London, we offer them many social activities such as city tours, live concerts, theatre visits, and whisky tasting. 


Mathew Davis

Client Account Manager | London

Senior Promotions

Judith Verger was recently promoted to COO - Global Summits.


In the last 12 months, we also had three significant GM promotions:

 - Naomi Haynes – GM NA Summit Production

 - Maria Zografou – GM NA Summit Operations

 - Bill Crutchfield – GM NA & APAC Acquisitions


Congratulations to everyone!

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